Meet the masCat!

Greetings unfurred masses! It is your pleasure to make my acquaintance. My human, whom I believe you call 'Mora', has asked me to say a few words of introduction. She informs me I am something called a 'mascot'. I believe she is mispronouncing it. Surely, she means 'masCAT'.  She gets words wrong on occasion, which is why I have to help her with this 'writing books' thing she has decided to do.

Unlike many of my fellow Feline Americans who participate in this odd internet culture of cat worship, I refuse to pretend my vocabulary and spelling are anything but exemplary. Please, do not misunderstand me - as people are so often wont to do - I am not degrading those of my brethren who are forced to stoop to that level. Humans can be very difficult to communicate with at the best of times. The language barrier, you know. I understand their frustration and their need to spell things slowly. I merely prefer to give you strange, naked creatures the benefit of the doubt. If I lose you somewhere amongst the multisyllabic words, fear not! I will wait for you up ahead.

I look forward to getting to know all of you much better. I do so enjoy making new acquaintances! Mora has assured me that I will be given complete access to the lovely warmth-exuding computer keyboard in order to share with you all my thoughts and adventures as I embark on this journey to groom my human and make her a star!

With most sincere affection,

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